Gluten free bread

I try recipes all the time attempting to make the most delicious gluten free, healthy, nutritious breads but alas most of the recipes I have tried have been a fail. Flat, stretchy and unappealing. Until yesterday’s when I tried the attached. It’s easy, yummy and healthy πŸ™‚


Tip for cold and flu season

It’s that time of year again when the sniffles start! My least favorite. One tried and tested method to prevent this or to shorten the sickness is elderberry, aloe juice and vitamin c; did I mention it’s also yummy? Many times I have recommended this to friends and I always hear them say “wow I thought I was getting sick but now I feel totally fine”. It’s a miracle juice!


Tip of the day

Give in to those early morning sweet cravings!
This smoothie is changing my morning πŸ™‚ indulging in raw cacao, healthy chocolate! πŸ™‚ below is the recipe:

“Chocolate Almond Butter Banana Smoothie
Author: Katja
Cook time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins
Serves: 1

1 and Β½ bananas, frozen
ΒΎ cup homemade coconut or nut milk (or any milk you like)
2 TBS almond butter
Β½ tsp vanilla extract
1 TBS cocoa powder or cacao powder
pinch of salt
4 ice cubes
Put all ingredients into high-powered blender and process until creamy-smooth….
You may need to add more milk if using regular blender
Feel free to add more ice if not using frozen banana or if you just like a colder smoothie
Serve immediately

Thank you to whole natural life for this recipe πŸ™‚ follow her on Facebook today


The importance of grace

I have a confession to make. I beg you not to judge me. I just ate a big ‘ol slice of greasy Boston pizza with a coffee sweetened with both caramel and sugar. Yep, in fact I am still sipping the coffee as I type. I could have had a salad, it was available, but I didn’t. I was hungry, really famished. So why do I tell you this? Because the way we eat cannot become legalistic. It cannot be this rigid, restricting set of rules. We were created to enjoy food! That’s why God gave taste buds, right? I am very passionate about whole foods, avoiding processed foods and trying eat as best I can but I believe this journey should enrich my life not weigh it down so I allow myself to make mistakes, even the ones i willingly make, and I have grace on myself. The truth is its better to make a mistake now and again and eat well the rest of the time than be riddled with guilt from one mistake and undoubtedly make more because of it. Believe that every day you are getting stronger and your body is getting healthier, eventually you will even begin the crave healthy food! My current craving centers around sushi and how wonderful to know I can indulge in that knowing its good for me πŸ™‚ the road to real food and natural living is a long and difficult one but you can do it and so can I. No guilt, no shame, be free.


Tip of the day

I feel like I need a science degree every time I go shopping for cosmetics and body care! I mean what do all these words mean! A great resource to make wise cosmetics choice is cosmetics database. This amazing website allows you to search the products you own or are considering buying and shows you what’s really in it! And why to avoid certain ingredients. It’s a really easy to shop well πŸ™‚
cosmetics database

Tip of the day

I love lemonade! I have grand plans to make my own but at present they haven’t got further than a thought. Store bought lemonade is border line toxic! Go ahead read the ingredients next time your in the store. My personal recommendation is Newman’s own all natural lemonade. I can pronounce all the ingredients and all of them sound like they should be in lemonade. Granted the sugar content is high but for store bought lemonade it’s your best bet.
*thanks to Berta, my house mate/lemonade model


Recipe of the week

Black bean couscous
1 box of Israeli couscous (follow preparation instructions in the box)
Once couscous is cooked add:
Black beans (i used refried from Trader Joes but you don’t have too)
Plus anything else you love!
Cook up for a few minutes to ensure heat in the dish but still leaving your vegetables mainly raw πŸ™‚
Enjoy! It’s easy, it’s cheap and it’s delicious
O and don’t forget the rule for any yummy dish, sprinkle some cheese on top when serving.


Tip of the day

Is your stomach giving you trouble? Need I say more. A great way to calm that gut right down is braggs apple cider vinegar and water. “Yuk” i hear you say. Just a tablespoon in a big glass of water will calm that tummy right
down and you can barely taste it! Put down the pepto and the tums and pick up the brags.
*the apv has to be raw and the best deal can be found at
